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Modern app which really helps !
Советы мебельщику - Новости
19.05.2020 12:30


IntisTele is a vital program which could find solution for many problems. The tool helps to transmit information without difficulty.

Main part

Businessmen everywhere are fascinated by sending crucial information, having conversation about the latest news, or defining tasks. Due to the very rapid flow of our life and especially willing to utilise time - a vast majority of people choose bulk texting because this way of communication is the fastest and the most useful for modern people. .

+ and -

Using bulk texting has a lot of advantages. For example:

Easy to use. Your task is to log in and replenish the balance. Now you can to give a task or spread the important information.

Speed of delivery. A fast solution to deliver bulk texting is about the IntisTele system. The era of homer and fax machine are old-fashioned stuff.

Nowadays message is one of the most reliable means of communication.

The expected time of message delivery assembles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (if only area you are settled possesses network coverage).


Which prospects are accessible for departments and industries?

Solutions by department

Every organization faces such thing as optimization of each operation. This should be done to satisfy client's needs.

SMS software is a great solution for  programmers. It is a choice for all.

SMS software considered to be a powerful mechanism for reaching each marketing aims. For instance:

SMS software could become an inherent part of the department`s everyday routine. Bulk texting  is ready to help:

Detailed logs and online information will keep you posted about last activity and sub-account performance.

web designers can integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Owing to this option it is possible to send big amount of  SMS, send HRL requests.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele messages software gives permission for debugging your exclusive software solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Perl.

IntisTele plugins and widgets were created to smooth integration of most major CMS (Drupal).

SMS commands are helpful for sysadmins as long as they could settle distant administration and server management.

Business owners also could arrange the employees' workflow owing to this SMS system. Besides, exist much more solutions which are provided for business men and women.

Give instructions for your coworkers.

On the website it is possible to find an understandable web interface, payment options that will match every wallet and a very captivating affiliate program. Thankfully to SMS software:

Clients are welcome to use Visa while using SMS operating system..

Solutions by industry

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for offline and online shopping. Bulk texting system solves a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for trading. With bulk texting service exists an alternative to set up notifications concerning offers.

Bulk texting system is possible to be used for the beauty industry. It can be applied in clinics.

This bulk texting will tell clients about sales in the beauty sphere.

You can integrate SMS system into the transport actions, for example railway operators.

This software considered to be the best solution for improving travel and transport services and make people have the best experience during their journeys.

Bulk texting is a decision for startups and IT. This integration is fundamental for websites.

Message warn for providing safety. It is applicable for public safety services.

Prices for SMS

It is not difficult to top up your balance and establish the amount of money which you are ready to give. Intis Telecommunication can propose various ways of funding the balance. For example, Skrill.


API is a approach, by which one device can to cooperate with the other device. The system was invented to mix varied applications in one complex.

With API you can request for balance

It can be applied to BPM.

Perfect SMS:guidelines

Do message targeted. Divide the database into individual categories by age.

Since this moment you could send offers only to clients who have interest in product.

Integrate call-to-action into your SMS mail-outs. Your text should include information which will make the user make a move. To achieve the outcome, you have to leave a link to the website.

Make all the crucial conditions for clients to come and then it is more likely to reach conversion rates.

Write brief and clear . The worst things you can do to your message newsletter is long texts.

The great amount of text in your bulk text can make the client reject it rather than view. The compact message is solution to high conversions.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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